My older son just turned 4 two weeks ago and while he will not be on the highest end of the gifted spectrum, I'm pretty sure he'll be one of those top of the class kind of kids. He's great with math, I do think he'll have some sort of learning disability when it comes to reading / writing (he knows all the letters but gets things mixed up ... even when talking sometimes he switches syllables, etc.) ... he has been in all kinds of therapies since he was a baby (PT for tortcollis and muscle weakness, OT for severe Sensory problems, ST for being a very late talker ... the talking is no longer an issue as he won't keep his mouth shut! lol).

He's currently being evaluated by a pedi psychiatrist for possible ADHD/ADD/Asperger's but many of the behaviors we're concerned with could just as well be those often times mistaken for ADHD, Autism, etc. (can't sit still, can't focus, extreme sleep problems ... he is a much better child in terms of behavior with 6hrs of sleep or less, always asking questions, and on and on) ... but all these behaviors seem to come and go with no apparent cause.

now I'm getting to the point. He'll most likely be recommended a Special Ed pre-school class 2.5hrs / day .. 5 days a week because of the behavior and concerns over how he'll handle school in later years (no way you'd get him to sit in a circle of any kind or anything similar to that). Now, my question is ... knowing he's either gifted or way above average ... do I send him to Special Ed where he'll be learning colors, numbers, letters with kids who're in most cases behind academically, knowing he won't be challenged in that area at all just so he can learn to behave well at a school setting (and to work on his fine motor skills where he lacks) or do I forget about it and keep him home till it's time for K next year?

He's never been to preschool before, Montessori and like kind are out of our budget, park district pre-school are a waste of time/money (at least in our area) plus they wouldn't take him as we're still working on potty training and that's one of their major rules that a child has to be 100% potty trained and he has a severe allergy to eggs so we'd have to make sure he's really in a pre-school where they can keep him from any contact with eggs (kids' snacks, etc).

My gut tells me to stay away from Special Ed since after the first couple of weeks that will satisfy his curiosity he'll just get bored there and will act up even more! ... BUT he's basically BEGGING me to go to school! Every time we pass by any of the local schools he's asking if he can go, when can he go, I just feel bad for keeping him home when he wants school so much!

So, special ed for gifted (or possibly 2E ... won't know the diagnosis till later this month) or not?