Oh great you saw this info!

Originally Posted by Cricket2
Originally Posted by marytheres
But honestly, why not go to a doctor that actually treats the problem to make the diagnosis? It's the same co-payment."
I think that my main reason on "why not" is that I am hearing from others that the drs who actually treat this type of problem regularly also tend to over-diagnose and b/c, from what the one guy's office tells me, if they see a likely problem in the regular exam, they'll suggest a second $385 exam, that isn't covered by insurance, to confirm and in order to recommend treatment.

Oh yes, sorry, I understand that! I just cut and copied her email to me (and I hadn't included any info on you being concerned about over-diagnosis in my original email) ... I wonder what she would say if I explained that to her... She feels strongly about diagnosing these conditions, though, she feels they are missed so much and cause so many unnecessary problems so I wouldn't want to come off like I think it's a scam or whatever. But anyway, yes I get and understand your concerns!