Sorry that I'm a bit late to this discussion. Busy weekend.

I skimmed the thread so forgive me if I am repeating anything. We did go the vision therapy route. It did help with my DD's headaches, tracking and issues with words "running off the page." See this website for simulations of these problems:
I believe that these are the kinds of things that VT can help address. I tried to have DD look at that site and tell me whether she ever experienced anything like this. Unfortunately, she couldn't articulate what kinds of issues she had been having until after she had gone through VT and seen some improvement.

I understand your reluctance to rely on the VT folks to give you an accurate assessment re whether your DD could benefit from their services. We got lucky and found an optometrist who did not provide vision therapy who gave us our initial evaluation. She told us that DD had convergence issues that were just outside of the normal range. She told us that DD might benefit from VT but that it was not a slam dunk. We decided at that point to get a full assessment from the VT folks. Any chance that you could have an independent optometrist assess her convergence?

BTW, we never expected a "cure" for her dyslexia. I thought these claims were hogwash and still do. Still, the vision therapists persist in making these types of claims. I really wish that they would rethink this approach.

Also, re the block design correlation. My DD went into the extended norms before vision therapy. We haven't had her retested since. Still, it's hard to argue that it significantly affected her ability to perform on that portion of the WISC.

Last edited by knute974; 08/27/12 12:28 PM. Reason: typos