Originally Posted by marytheres
Wow interesting CCN! My guys isn't ever reading 2-3 grade levels above (he does read almost one grade level above according to the WIAT).

Keep in mind this is just my estimation based on the scholastic reading level ratings of the books he'll read - it's not based on formal testing.

He's 8, going into grade 3, and he'll read books that are in the 5/6 range. This is mostly because pictures are so distracting for him, lol. If there is any kind of illustration he's all over it, talking about it, asking questions... but if I get him a chapter book with no pics, he'll just read (until his eyes burn out). Now that I'm typing this I'm wondering how much more he could read of a grade 3 book before he burns out - if he'd just read the darn thing ;-) Maybe I could cover up the pictures... lol

Last edited by CCN; 08/26/12 04:01 PM.