Originally Posted by Cricket2
Are you asking what the ped thinks about vision therapy as a whole or whether she thinks that it would be beneficial for dd?

Both. I approached our GP to ask about chiropractic therapy for DS8's ADHD (it was an interesting idea to me because there are spine issues in our family), and my doc basically said "well if you have extra money to throw away trying that I suppose you could." I've never pursued it, and it's not because of her disdain for the idea (I tend to do what I want regardless of what people think). What occurred to me later was that I myself had doubts (safety?) and was really just bringing the idea to the doctor as a "should we rule this out?" question (does that make sense?). Anyway, you could ask your ped both questions: what does she think of VT in general and what impact she thinks it will have on your DD. More opinions are always good, and it might resonate something within you as to whether or not you should proceed (as in "show you how you really feel").

Originally Posted by Cricket2
Maybe. I can always ask the OD's office, but I suspect that they'd only give me the #s of happy people. I can also ask around at work b/c I work at the local hospital or post something to a parenting listserv that I belong to. The listserv tends to draw more "crunchy" types and parents of younger children, though.

It would be good to do both, I think, if you've got the time. One of these people will say/write something that will ring true for you in either direction. The bottom line is no one can make a better decision for your DD than you - you just need a way of accessing your decision. I would definitely talk to people who have been involved though.

Last edited by CCN; 08/26/12 07:46 AM.