Originally Posted by marytheres
Oh my goodness - our kids should meet LOL ... mine is annoying about the pictures, too... same thing distracted by the pictures, likes to figure out which character illustration is which and adding extra things based on the picture...

LOL smile smile

Have you tried no-picture chapter books? (How old is your son?) I keep my finger under each word as mine reads, or we'll put a piece of paper over the text below what he's reading to cover it so his eyes aren't overwhelmed. This seems to help.

I've thought about "large print" books too (you know, large print novels - not kid books - to ease his eyes but still expose him to the advanced vocab & grammer) but I haven't seen any with appropriate subject matter (the ones I've seen at the library are too adult). I haven't really delved into this though... I could check on-line but haven't yet.