marytheres, I don't know what we'll ultimately do for our dd - we're taking her back for another VT exam later this fall in hopes of convincing her it's worth it to keep at her exercises. What she'd need to do each day to keep her eyes "on track" really isn't a huge time-consuming deal, just a few simple exercises she could do as part of her schoolwork or when she's reading.

Some kids (and adults) with strabismus correct it with lenses. One of my nieces has pretty strong strabismus in one of her eyes (nowhere near as subtle as our dd has - in her case her eye is obviously pointing away from the other eye when not corrected). When she was in elementary school her dr gave her parents the choice of surgery or corrective lenses and they stuck with glasses (I can't remember exactly why).. and then when she was a teen she got a corrective contact lens, and it works *GREAT*.


eta - in spite of my dd's vision apparently taking a step backward, I am still a firm believer in VT and would recommend it to anyone in the same position in a *heartbeat* - I have no regrets about the time/$ we spent for dd to go through it. It made a HUGE difference in her vision and even though she's losing some ground now, she's nowhere near in the same place she was before starting it.

Last edited by polarbear; 08/27/12 06:03 PM.