Good Point Clarity, and thanks for your imput. I think that a lot of kids, but not all, find that the old oversensitivites that used to be sort-of-ok kick up again in the tween/teen years.

DS and I are trying to work out a code for when the overload hits so that I know what is going on, and that's helped a lot. I know that for myself, when I feel really bad, I don't expect to have to post an anouncement about it, but that I actually do have to say something or no one will notice until I'm acting really mean.

What I wish I knew is this - OT (occupational therapy)for SID (sensory integration disorder) really helped my son when he was little, age 7, but is there a cooler version for tween/teenagers? I remember really liking certian amusement park rides that provided that squished feeling, but is there a daily something to improve 'sensory diet?'

Love and More Love,

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