*ha ha ha ha*

I don't know why I am laughing exactly, but in some strange way I do find this funny. I just got home from a year-end conference with DD's teacher, who says that after studying DD all year and trying to figure her out, her opinion is that the issue is inattentive ADHD--although she also said that her "issue" is also that she is a highly gifted girl who marches to her own drummer.

Obviously not a professional diagnosis, but this is a teacher with numerous years of experience teaching in a gifted magnet, so. I've vaguely considered ADHD for her, but she's always done so well in school that it's seemed like it couldn't be right. I guess it's time to take more than a cursory glance?

She says that she does note some anxiety but was surprised by the anxiety dx. She has been in contact with the school social worker about keeping DD on the radar next year, which I am in favor of.

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/23/12 11:17 AM.