Update: we had a 3-hour eval this morning. DD was seen by two different psychiatrists and filled out some forms; we were extensively interviewed and filled out some forms as well. She received a primary dx of anxiety, and they think there are some depression symptoms as well. Both doctors felt strongly that she is not on the spectrum, though they did not actually do a formal eval for that (they did ask a lot of questions related to it, however). They did not recommend medicating yet but did recommend cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety and OT (for sensory stuff). So that was interesting. Their feeling was that DD's explosive outbursts are a result of anxiety building up.

I feel sort of...blank? In a way I feel like we went and told them she was anxious and depressed, and they told us she was anxious and depressed. So, you know. When she spoke to them alone, she apparently talked a lot about her brother and about the girls at school who she says are bullying her.

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/14/12 10:57 AM.