What I'm getting from your various posts - sorry if I've said so before, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to check - is flashbacks to my own childhood at the same kind of age. For example, I'm sure all but 2-4 of your points here would have applied to me. Also the being a different child at school, and the self-harm stuff.

Good news: I'm here and happy. Bad news: I nearly wasn't. It got a lot worse before it got better.

It's actually hard to say much more without giving out more personal information than I'm happy about on a public forum. If you'd like more detail (which of course might be quite irrelevant to your situation, or might perhaps be useful) and I haven't said it all before, let me know and I'll PM you.

It's not completely clear to me whether she really believes this or is "fishing."
Here I will confidently say "both"! This is an example of doublethink, I'm sure. She is verbalising the contradiction that she feels as though she's useless at everything, but simultaneously knows perfectly well that that's rubbish. She needs you to weigh in on the "that's rubbish" side, but if you can do so somewhere between as though she had made a joke and as though you know just how she feels, rather than as though she had made a misjudgement (which becomes another thing she's useless at!) so much the better.

Email: my username, followed by 2, at google's mail