Bipolar is supposed to involve highs and lows, right? She doesn't really have highs or any manic episodes or anything. She's not always unhappy but she generally has a short fuse. Again, this has gotten worse lately (everything has). I do wonder about some kind of biological or hormonal change.

She doesn't threaten anyone with harm. I don't think she would hurt anyone in any serious way, ever. I could picture her flailing around and whacking vaguely at us, though. She slams her door, for sure. When she throws stuff, it's soft stuff. She doesn't break anything.

I didn't mention this earlier, but she definitely has low self-esteem--says she's bad at everything, etc, despite ample evidence to the contrary (eg, not getting anything wrong all year, except when she accidentally skips a problem or an occasional careless addition or subtraction error). It's not completely clear to me whether she really believes this or is "fishing." The one area where she still seems to retain some self-confidence is art.

Frankly, I do find it odd (though it's a good thing for us all) that she is so well-behaved at school. I mean, I think she has occasional moments--she is the kind of kid who corrects the teacher--but she definitely does not throw fits and she follows directions to a T. I don't know what it's all about. I have long wondered if this might be an indictment of our parenting in some way. I know, I know, she feels safer at home, etc.

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/08/12 08:47 AM.