It's so easy to be confused with all the info that comes back with these tests - but really, it looks like most of your dd's scores line up nicely and most likely make good sense.[/quote]

Originally Posted by momto2ms
She told me verbally that dd4 tested as high as possible in 3 sections, but looking at the results she sent, the highest score is 17. Clearly one of those things is wrong. I am guessing the 17s are correct.

Like Cricket mentioned, it looks like your dd might have hit three "soft ceilings" (the 17s).

Coding 11
Symbol Search 14

On the coding I understand they have to draw something? My perfectionist took way too long to do this. She may have the best writing in her preschool, but it takes her forever bc she wants it to be perfect.

Her coding score really isn't that far off from her other scores, and I *think* most kids have some little bit of deviation in subtest scores. I've always been told that anything less than 1 SD is not significant.

Originally Posted by momto2ms
Full Scale IQ=99.5%
Verbal 99%
Performance 99%

If you don't have them, I'd ask for the actual scores for each of these - percentages can apply to a range of scores.

Originally Posted by momto2ms
Woodcock Johnson
Letter ID/Word ID 95%
(This is not indicative of her abilities. The first word on the test was "on" and she said "no". When she realized she couldn't fix it and knew it was wrong, she refused to do the rest. Other words were words I am 100% positive she knows, such as "dog" which the night before she had told my husband spells "God" backwards.

I'm confused here if you've put the correct percentage down (95%) and then are saying it's not indicative of her abilities - 95% is very high! And it's right in the same range as her ability scores, which I would interpret to mean she's a child with high ability who is testing at her ability level - all that is good.

Originally Posted by momto2ms
She topped out when she could not count money. When asked how much several pennies and a nickel was, she replied "Not enough to buy anything."

That is just soooooo danged cute!!! And true!

Hope that all helps a bit -
