So it seems to me that in all those piles of materials must be some assment tools. It looks to me like the first step is to pretend say that she is a child placed in your classroom (pretend 2nd grade) who had been adopted from Russia and no one truely know what age or aptitude the child had. What would you do in that situation? Run some assesments and start recording observations about how the child did with various tasks. For kids without ASD one can pretty much assume that emotional happiness is a good indicator of the right level of the work. If yoour daughter appears to be enjoying herself and is willing to try new challenges then you can assume things are working.

If you haven't read John Holt's Unschooling that might be useful. In my observation, good unschoolers become very skilled at observing a child's behavior and coming up with individualized learning support.

Keep us posted....of course you will feel lost until you start trying so do start gently but get started.

Love and more love

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