Thank you all for your insight. I actually discussed with dd what she wants to learn about when at home. Her 4 year old answer? "I want to memorize all the Taylor Swift songs!" Uh. Ok. Not exactly what mommy had in mind. Lol. Not to mention, I think she mastered that objective already. Haha.

I was told I will not get full-scale results. How can this be? I paid $550 for private testing for no results? Not sure how to push that issue.

Supplies. Is there a way to post pics in this forum? I have tons and tons and tons of supplies. I have a spare house (Don't ask. Lol.) in which to have school. I have separate areas for dd4 and dd3mo. It's awesome. Now if I let her do what she wants to all day, she will do art projects of her own determination for hours on end and be irritated when we have to clean up. Puzzles are also big. She can do 200 pieces independently, but I prefer the 100 so it doesn't take so long. Then I wonder if I am doing her a disservice with that opinion.

She isn't so into building things, i.e. legos. Gave her marshmallows and toothpicks. Showed her how to build structures. Let her go to it. What did she make? About a dozen ballerinas. wink It was a nice reminder that she is still just a 4 year old girl at the end of the day.