I have a few thoughts from reading this thread a few times.

When you get her WISC/WJ reports, you might want to post the information here. There are some posters on the forum who are really, really good at describing a child's strengths/weaknesses just from looking at the IQ patterns. It sounds like your tester didn't give you much detail about your child's results; you might benefit tremendously from their insight.

Make sure you have a lot of the "hands on" materials -- art supplies like clay, legos, erector sets, snap circuits, etc. Your daughter may enjoy those. (as long as you can keep the little pieces away from baby)...

DYS is Davidson Young Scholars: http://www.davidsongifted.org/youngscholars/

Good luck with the lottery. It is always nice to have choices. If you do get in, is there a way you could sit in the pre-K/K class for a long visit. That might help you decide if it is a good fit. The trick is these kids can learn SO fast, what works this month may not be a good fit in September...

And, I think you're in a great place with your child. She is young and you've already figured out so much about her. That's not so easy when you have another little one in the mix.

Last edited by herenow; 02/27/12 06:59 AM.