Originally Posted by momto2ms
Now if I let her do what she wants to all day, she will do art projects of her own determination for hours on end and be irritated when we have to clean up. Puzzles are also big. She can do 200 pieces independently, but I prefer the 100 so it doesn't take so long. Then I wonder if I am doing her a disservice with that opinion.

It sounds like you have an amazing space for your dd's learning - so if it was me, I'd let her do art all day long and give her the large challenging puzzles, let her leave her art or puzzles out for as long as she's interested in them, even if it's for several days. If she's into Taylor Swift - is she also into music? Does she have some things she can do musically such as a keyboard or piano or kid-instruments, something to shake etc?

Maybe you could have her illustrate a book made from a Taylor Swift song? Or make up a dance? FWIW my girls and their neighborhood friends are huge Taylor fans smile

Best wishes,