Iucounu...I said that to the VP...I said exactly that.
The VP asked me...so, the meeting we are going to have is about letting your DD work on enrichment projects at home? I said No! It's about the discouragment my DD is getting from teachers to go ahead or above and beyond and quite frankly, I feel as though they think I am helping her or making her do these projects at home. I am not.
She was offended. Ugghh!
It will be interesting to see if we get anywhere with the meeting.

PolarBear. 5th Grade? I can see that. It slowly goes downhill and I can see how by 5th grade the kid can just give up. Exactly what I am trying to prevent here!

Thank you so much for the book suggestions. I know I'm dropping the ball here, but I am being pig heading and strong-willed and she is not going to get behind in reading if she reads nothing for 4 years...So, I'm playing the game..the one where I sit back and wait for someone to step up. But, I will check out those Mother-Daughter books! You are the second person to suggest them this week!

Here is a link to a video of my DD teaching her lil sis about Science..This is a subject she has no real experience with. So, she is soaking everything she learns in school up and teaching it to sis! It's just kind of cute, but I wonder if the VP would aprove of this after school, school stuff....especially for the 6 year old! I dunno..:) Thank you so much for all you comments and support and advice and stories of your own kids. I do think I need to appeciate the little that IS being offered. It is the first time they are trying ANYTHING with DD and I guess I was hoping for so much more!
Here is the link