Originally Posted by sydness
The second enrichment project, (for the Decimals Unit) was to create a game that her classmates can play to learn decimals better. She came up with the game in class, and started to make it. She wrote the directions and got it approved by the teacher. As she was working, she 'messed up'...She is making 'decimal chess' and while she was creating the chess board, she colored a wrong square in black and was given whiteout. She took it out at home to work on it and made another mistake and was concerned because we didn't have any white out. Her paper was a huge gross mess.

She asked if she could make her chess board on Photoshop...of course I let her.

She laminated it with tape and taped it to a heavier piece of paper (that the teacher had given her)...She made test pieces out of paper to try the game out with Daddy and threw the pieces away when she was done. She wanted something heavier for the pieces.

This sounds like arts and crafts, which are worth activities, but she will not learn new math from an activity like this. Could she simply work ahead in a curriculum such as Singapore Math or program such as EPGY?

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell