Originally Posted by ljoy
He sounds a little like my dad. He probably assumes your son is normal and all the other kids are deficient or got no stimulation as infants.

My family believes my dad, and several other relatives, have Asperger's. He truly doesn't realize he's supposed to show an interest in my kids, or how to go about doing it.

I would guess that this might be true. Dad (without getting too specific) worked in the Silicon Valley...Asperger's capital of the US, apparently. It's interesting that you also mention that your dad isn't very social, because that's my dad to a tee.

You've given me a lot to think about. Especially that dad may just think ds is normal and other kids lacking in stimulation/attention. Mom once told me that dad is almost a "snob" about mental abilities.

Doesn't sound pretty, but there you are.