I asked because when I shared a website that gave descriptions of children's accomplishments at various ages who later were identified as gifted, I received in reply from my dad: "He's that way because he has a mom who works with him."

I suppose allowing my son to play with toys two years beyond what his age at the time was and reading to him the recommended twenty minutes a day and only playing "educational" DVD's and letting him watch Sesame Street would qualify as "working with him".

I suppose that could account for why he could count past 70 with few mistakes at two years old, since he did ask for "his numbers" at night to fall asleep by, instead of nursery songs.

But is it likely the reason?

How does "working with him" account for his getting upset if his books aren't perfectly sitting straight in his bookcase, or being hypersensitive to sound?

Apparently, I'm confused by the description of "how to tell" that I've read online.

I must just have a high-energy bright boy, then.