My 11yo twins are hg+, and we share very little with my family, who live in a different city from us. They can see that both kids are smart and we do talk about the kids current activities, but they have no idea of the test scores, etc. I don't want my kids to define themselves by those measures, and their relationships with family are part of that. When we get together with family several times a year, we do outdoor activities, watch movies, share favorite humorous youtube videos, and other fun stuff. Academic performance comes up only rarely.

However, academics may become more conspicuous next year as our kids transition to middle school. After 6 years *without* grade acceleration, and no gifted program at their school but lots of in-class differentiation, our kids will be grade accelerated in math by three years at the middle school next year.... I am sure family will hear that our 6th graders are in Honors Algebra and recognize that that is unusual, but I am hoping we can inform them without it being a big deal.