Originally Posted by Ametrine
"He's that way because he has a mom who works with him."

I must just have a high-energy bright boy, then.
Difficult - it sounds like you were looking for something different from your dad than what you got...what were you hoping for? How was Dad with recognizing your strengths when you were young? Is he proud of you for 'working with' your son? Is he afraid you'll make a sissy of his grandson?

If you had asked me when DS was less than 6 years old why DS was 'different' I would have thought exactly what you wrote - that it was because I 'interacted' with him, and because he was an active, brigh boy. I didn't know anything unusual was going on until his behavior at school crashed and burned. And BTW, I don't think that giftedness is an excuse for bad school behavior, and i dont' think that bad school behavior is a nescessity for extreame giftedness. But my son did have an 'intense' personality, and a poor fit classroom, and 2E issues, and roll it all together and watch the fireworks!

It's a marathon, not a sprint, trying to be understood by family memebers.


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