Luckily, DS did get off to school today. That's a relief.

FYI, when I said 5/20 kids are doing the challenge work, that doesn't mean it's a group project. DS would love a group project. It just means that there are four other children in his class getting math sheets during playtime and NOT COMPLAINING. That's the kicker.

I emailed last night saying that when I asked that he get more challenging work, I meant during work time. Extra work on top of regular work feels like punishment to him. I'd rather he play during play time.

I haven't gone to the principal yet, as I have access to the learning consultant through the IEP. She said she'd try to get him the computer time.

HSing is a tough decision. He does not like being an only child and wants more friends to play with. He gave a girl in his class a big hello this am, and he's a kid who asked that we go the orphanage and get him a sibling for Christmas; now he's asking that we become foster parents. (Kriston, you're clearly right about outsiders' perception of HSing.)

Still, there's no doubt that he wants to be homeschooled - at least he thinks he does. I think I might go to a few of the HS group activities while he's in school and take a look and make some more contacts.

And before we do anything, we will speak to the principal.