Truth be told... Public school education for my kids has been good for the most part. It has allowed me to be very active with their schools, classes, and other volunteer projects. My kids have enjoyed playing with other kiddos. Not every year was valuable. There was a troubled year with awful teacher. I volunteered to teach science to the class for a year and taught art to the class for a year. We've brought in guest speakers, German lessons (1 yr), Spanish Lessons (3 yrs), and coordinated lots of field trips. Our Charter middle school is terrific--very enriched curriculum, though the oldest didn't get the math acceleration he needed, so we did EPGY at home. Elementary & Middle were small, contained--there were so many was I could participate and make it better.

High School, however, is hands-off. I keep thinking it'd be so much better to homeschool oldest DS; first off--he doesn't want it. I happened to find my high school year book(from about 25 yrs ago) yesterday and paged through it. I remember those days so well. The teachers' names, friends, everything. While, there were plenty of things I didn't like at that time, it was still such a wealth of learning experiences. I wouldn't want DS not to have those kind of memories--just working alone, at home, with a computer. DS loves being on the golf team, robotics competitions, French class, etc.

Last edited by cym; 03/05/08 05:55 AM.