One other note about working in groups. This seems to be more and more emphasized in schools, with the idea that it simulates workforce dynamics. True, when I was working, I had to work on teams, mentor new people, coordinate efforts, etc. I had the tendency of doing a lot of the work myself, because it was easier than having to re-do what others worked on later, and more reliable. But, I learned that teams, onced trained, could be efficient, and were a part of life. When I was pregnant (several times), I appreciated teams, because I needed them to cover for me when I was on leave. I was determined to prepare my co-workers to make it seamless.

My kids have had to be on teams with kids they don't like, kids that don't work, and then also with kids they both liked and who worked. I've had to talk to teachers when there were problems with others not doing their parts, and convince my guys that sometimes they had to do more than their share to get the job done. They don't seem to work on teams so much in high school, but I don't think it was bad to have had to do it earlier.