I am on the verge also.

My mother-in-law is visiting for a week and she can�t believe the **** we encounter in a typical week due to the fact that DS is advanced for grade. She has seen the gamut from DS doing practically all the work for a group project from writing the script (not as the scribe), typing the script at a group member�s house while the rest of the kids played guitar hero, being cornered by the host�s mother with a �So you are Mr. Smarty-Pants/I bet I was as smart as you at your age� sort of exchange. Then taking everyone�s costumes and costume props home and organizing them in individual bags with each person�s name on it, making the prop tree and transporting it to school.

To be fair, the other group members did decorate the prop pot that DS made and emailed the script that he typed up at the other student�s house-sarcasm intended.

My husband was ready to contact the teacher to discuss all this when DS came home from school to report that one student had memorized the lines (that DS wrote) despite the team agreeing last week that they would all use the scripts. The teacher was impressed by this and stated that she would give extra credit to anyone who went "above and beyond" the group effort and specifically said, �That doesn�t mean you, DS�.

Serenity Now!

I also emailed the teacher, but I doubt that will change anything.

I was advised a long time ago to homeschool! I should have done it.