Originally Posted by Cricket2
She does have to work harder than dd12 has in the GT and subject accelerated classes so I'm assuming that she has to work harder than the average gifted kid in GT placement. However, I don't think that she has to work harder than the average kid in an average class. She daydreams and gets As in those types of classes.

I didn't mean in the academic sense, I was referring to the mental energy it takes just to get through the day like a non 2E person.

If she has real friends that "get her" in the regular classes and she wants to be there I see no harm in it. If she is getting by and happy, I certainly wouldn't advocate medicating her so she can be pushed to achieve more academically. She can make that choice herself when she is older. I personally think learning how to work with the particular strengths and weaknesses you have is the most important thing you can do.