I hear you Cricket2 -
My son is currently a 14 year old 9th grader. Last year this time he was a 13 year old 9th grader. We reversed his gradeskip because with the ADD he was getting graded on his organizational skills, and the local public school with it's honors program with the 1 year acceleration still wasn't meeting his intellectual needs at all.

Luckily we found a school were there is lots of small group discussion and very intelligent teachers and a reasonable amount of homework (2 hours a night) and he's really enjoying being 'a bit younger' but having any skip.

Will we miss the money later? Will this last 4 years? Who knows? I'm just happy he's having a good experience now. He has friends, is learning good work ethic, and is intellectually stimulated by his schoolwork. What a relief!

Crick - just because interventions for ADD aren't needed in 5th grade, doesn't mean that they won't be needed later. It took us until DS was in 8th grade to be 'really sure' we were seeing ADD and not the lingering effects of enforced underachievement. It sounds to me like the path she is on is a good one for her. Flexibility is the number one thing that is needed in parenting, moreso in parenting kids with very spiky profiles.

Peace hands bow,

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