Originally Posted by Grinity
It took us until DS was in 8th grade to be 'really sure' we were seeing ADD and not the lingering effects of enforced underachievement.
I spent a lot of time going back & forth with dd as well. Even with the dx earlier this year, it was only in re-reading the chapter on ADD in the Misdiagnosis book that left me pretty sure it is ADD. He has four things listed @ the end of the chapter that basically say, 'if you see this, it may be a bored gifted kid not ADD.' Dd didn't hit any of those. Ability to entertain herself on things of interest such as building lego forts, reading, etc.? Nope, she is totally not self-entertaining and no one gets any downtime around her b/c she wants our attention constantly. I can't recall the other three things right now, but dd came out clearly ADD not just gifted and bored.