I am a believer in telling kids their IQ scores. I don't feel that I have a right to hold that information and not pass it on. Having said that, I haven't told dd, but she's only 5. She knows she is gifted though. But not in a 'wow, you're so special because you're gifted' kind of way, but in a if you find yourself feeling misunderstood this could be the issue, here are the great things about it, here are some things you might find a challenge kind of way. She was visibly relieved to have that information, even at 5. Some expert, I can't remember who, said that they felt that info would be appropriate to share once the child had a mental age of around 12. I am sure others will disagree and will have very valid reasons for doing so. I don't know that it's a straightforward decision. I guess from my perspective it feels disrespectfully to have that kind of information about a person (any person) and keep if from them. Though when I do discuss it with dd it will be within the context of it only being meaningful in particular ways.