It is all confusing. Though I am finding all the reading I am doing about DD2, whose results I am referring to here, has helped enormously in understanding DD1. And made me realise she needs to be retested... I expect rather soon they will both be doing the SB-V with a gifted specialist.

I find it very confusing making sense of ceilings at 17, why my DD had to have 4 performance sub-tests but I often see tests rated from 3 sub-tests for each section. I wish the psych we used seemed less irritated that I want to understand all the ins and outs of her results.

I am interested that she did really well on the 3D type performance tests but (relatively) poorly on the 2D type performance tests and frustrated that there is absolutely no mention of, let alone discussion about, this in the report. Surely this points to something interesting about how her mind works and what her strengths and weaknesses may be?

And finally I am wondering what it is about my kids, or our parenting, that neither of my older girls have been early readers and they don't seem terribly academically inclined. DD2 is clearly going to learn to read with ease and probably would be reading now if we had been able to give her even a modicum of support the last two years. But in general if she asks for help with something and doesn't get it she is more likely to go and play in the sandpit or climb a tree than persist in trying to read or write alone, though she will persist at other things for a very long time alone. I am very glad she has had a playful early childhood and I don't see there is any rush for academic learning, I am just curious about what it is that drives some gifted 2-3 yr olds to read while mine are driven to climb things?

That said my 13 month old is determinedly trying to draw and write at ever opportunity.

This should probably have been a new thread, it's not really testing related!