Hi MumofThree!

My DS was tested yesterday at 4yrs6mos, and I was wondering the same thing. Earlier today I read a similar topic on this message board that explains it pretty well. The link is http://giftedissues.davidsongifted.org/BB/ubbthreads.php/topics/28142/1.html. I only discovered this forum yesterday -- I needed some place to help me digest my son's scores, and I happily found it.

The testing psychologist mentioned something similar for him on the block design, saying that he easily could have kept going with harder structures. It's a bit frustrating, but I understand the limitations of a test that has to work for a wide variety of abilities.

Out of curiosity, how is your DD with holding a pencil? DS is weak (can't remember how to hold it and struggles to control it), and the psychologist explained that it likely reduced his Symbol Search and Coding scores.

I will be very interested to hear what others might have to say about how experience could change answers, and I wonder how that affects scoring.

I hope to "see" you around!