I am just wondering what the ceilings are on the WPPSI-III and whether they vary by age.
I have just received DDs report, 4yrs8mths at the time of testing.
VIQ 142
PIQ 136
FSIQ 138
Scaled Sub Test Scores:
Block Design: 17
Information: 17
Matrix Reasoning: Incomplete (psych notes: child seemed tired)
Vocabulary: 17
Picture Concepts: 13
Word Reasoning: 16
Coding: 10
Picture Completion: 13
Object assembly: 17
Note: on the Coding test she did enough to demonstrate understanding and then stopped. If she had understood the test to be how many she could do not just HOW to do it she may have kept going, but it clearly seemed pointless to her after a point.
What I am wondering if those 17s are likely to be ceilings? I have a feeling that I have read the ceilings can vary, or be difficult to reach, based on age but I could be dreaming?
Also does anyone know if "object assembly" is the puzzle test? If so she completed every puzzle and the tester said out loud "I've never seen that before" so I am assuming that has to be the ceiling or it was a timed test that she got scaled down on?
Word Reasoning at least one of the questions it would not have been possible for her to answer and the "wrong" the answer she gave was the "right" answer from her experience. A question for which I knew the answer was newspaper she answered book for example. We don't buy newspapers, EVER, that's what a computer is for in our house :-).
Last edited by MumOfThree; 04/13/11 05:20 AM.