Originally Posted by Grinity
But oh! I took so much teasing for being worried about my 4 year old not reading words like 'exit' and 'quit' which he saw on the computer games quite often - sad to say!

You should see the look I got when I tried to explain to a speech therapist last week that I thought there might be a "reason" that my 13 month old wasn't speaking yet :-).

"She's been trying since she was 6 months old, and now seems to have given up in favour of bellowing in frustration, she's the most advanced of my three kids in other ways and I have two gifted kids, one with auditory issues that I missed. I know it's early but if there is an auditory issue I want to do what I can early on." just did not fly. The funny thing was she then proceeded to try to engage my DD with play appropriate for a 2 yr old.