Thanks for the link to that thread, I had found a couple of threads on here re the WPPSI, but not that one.

I found Dottie's list of various ways to ceiling very interesting.

I am pretty sure that in some cases my DDs scores reflected getting 1 of a possible 2 for some questions, often easier ones. For example the first question she answered "Something for your feet" and the amused response from the tester lead her to try to get into a silly pattern with the answers for the next few questions - her next response was "Something for your ear" (looking rather smug). There were a few questions where her answer indicated she knew but she was being a bit vague and the tester prompted for a more thorough answer, so I presume they would also score 1 of a possible 2 points?

She definitely didn't know the answer to the last two questions in the information section and I seem to recall she missed at least one at the end of the vocab too, but in both of those tests I don't recall her missing 3 or more so I am thinking she got to the end of the questions but not necessarily with full points for every correct answer. The same for the word reasoning, I think she got to the end but I know there was at least the newspaper question that she would have gotten wrong and I think there was another along the way where I could see where she got her answer but doubted it would be "correct". Where as the various tests involving pictures in a book she did terminate through enough wrong or vague answers.

Incidentally my 9 yr old didn't know the answers to the last two questions in the information section either, so we are obviously remiss in our general conversation/interest in that area!

Last edited by MumOfThree; 04/13/11 05:22 AM.