Originally Posted by GeoMamma
I am trying to avoid struggling with him over doing things. as PassThePotatoes said, I know I hated to be watched doing things and all of that. I'm just really worried because I don't think I am providing him with ideas at his level. Mostly because I'm having trouble judging that. But the games could work, he is very motivated by games right now.

I'm going to have to think some more, but I am battling some sleep deprivation right now, so I might come back to it.

Thank you.
Get some sleep GeoMamma! Make sure to use the tools in your self nurture kit. Remember that it will look smoother and less messy when you look back at it, but family life is so messy, and even with all of our ideas here, if just takes a while to get the hang of a particular kid at a particular stage!

Good news is that at age 4, they can look really terrible one week, and still respond to you making better choices amazingly quickly the next week. Your learning curve will be almost as rapid as his!

Love and more Love,

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