Originally Posted by GeoMamma
I think he's an abstract thinker - he puts things together. He notices things. I think he prefers a hands-on learning style. I am currently finding that a bit difficult to implement since it requires so much support from me. I admit I do want him to read because I know that will open up a lot more possibilities for him that he will really enjoy.
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A great picture book might be: www.dinotopia.com/

And if you are what we call locally a 'crunchy-granola' sort raising a Machivelli,Jr sort - get that workbook and use it!!! (I was/am, and not every child thrives under those conditions!)

I well remember dragging my son to the localish Stiener school for summer camp a few summers because it would have been the perfect enviornment for me as a child. Just walking in and smelling the beeswax candles and seeing the little cutting boards - oohhh! But my DS just hated everything about it (although I secretely suspect he learned a few important lessons.)


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