Thanks, Grinity, wise words. I do doubt myself and I do need a village, and we haven't found one irl yet. My natural inclination with the parenting I have done when they were babies has led me to the more Stiener/unschooling crowd, and gifted is a tricky one with some of them. I think that feeds into my natural fear that I might be pushing him.
I keep saying I must check out that workbook!
I will have to look into those ideas and see if there is something I can feasibly do. We are working under some pretty tight constraints right now. We are not in the US and there do not seem to be many conferences around. There is only one support group in my state, and that has had/is having some issues. I had been thinking about a having a teen to help out a bit actually.
I should say he is nearly 5. We are planning to continue to home school him. We really weren't happy with the schools here. They are dealing with huge social issues, and very low academic performance. One school we were considering had 10 extra teachers to help students who were behind and one to help the students who were advanced. There just aren't many educational services here that I can find.
I think he's an abstract thinker - he puts things together. He notices things. I think he prefers a hands-on learning style. I am currently finding that a bit difficult to implement since it requires so much support from me. I admit I do want him to read because I know that will open up a lot more possibilities for him that he will really enjoy.