That's my dd12. I see deep in her b/c she makes connections that catch me off guard. But fast she is not. When she 10, her middle school told all of the 6th graders to find someone who worked in a field they were interested in to shadow for career day. The world smiled on us in that we found a manatee expert in the middle of the country where we live (he was doing his last few years of work for the Fish & Wildlife Service studying bats after having studies manatees in FL for much of his career).
I went with her given her age and her shadow person was showing us a bunch of old slides they had taken in FL. One of them involved a tag they had put on a manatee's tail that they found on dry land and were trying to figure out how it got there. It had some indentations in the sides and had, obviously, been pulled off the manatee's tail onto shore. Dd looked at it while I have all of these random thoughts racing through my head of bullet holes, etc. The first thing she said was right -- 'it was floating on the surface above the manatee and those look like tooth marks. I bet an alligator grabbed ahold of it thinking it was something to eat and pulled it off and onto the land.'
The meeting pretty much went along those lines the whole time. Dd didn't rush in with ideas, but the first thing she came up with was spot on every time.