Originally Posted by JamieH
My opinion is the IQ and processing speed tests are biased toward primarily leaf related skills. Those who do extremely well on these tests will often do quite well academically, but have limited potential to deal see the trees and to a greater extent the forest.

I've never been officially tested on processing speed, but I'm a forest person, and that just adds to my processing speed. WM is my bottleneck. DS14's PS is glacial, but his WM is WOW! He can even see organic chemistry equations doing their little dance on the blackboard of his mind - and I am SOOO jealous of that....

I don't think that most gifted kids have some kind of bottle neck - but plenty have one, and a few have two. It's more fair to say that the assumption that WM and PS will be high if the more 'g' loaded subscales are high just doesn't hold up to real life.


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