I don't know that all gifted kids have low processing speed or memory scores. Maybe those of us who have kids with that profile just complain about it more

b/c it presents challenges.
I was given two IQ tests over the course of my lifetime and came out at or above the 99th percentile on processing speed both times. However, I also had high scores on VCI and PRI or whatever the adult equivalent is. My working memory is above average, but not in that upper 90s area so I guess that is my weak area. I think the kids ate my brain -- lol!
I do know a very few kids with high WMI and/or PSI scores that are not supported by higher than average VCI and PRI scores and they are much higher achievers in a school setting than one would predict based upon IQ. I would think that having those supporting skills would enable one to do the work quickly, not make mistakes, and get very good grades assuming you are of at least average intelligence. Kids who look like that make up a large majority of the kids in our local GT/accelerated classes b/c they have the high achievement (grades, NCLB test scores) to get in.