(Realized I was threadjacking another thread so started my own.)
So I hear a lot about how gifted kids almost always have lower processing and working memory scores. To me, this begs the question: so, then, who scores HIGHly on these measures, and why? I assume that there are kids out there getting 120-140+ on these subtests, right?
I was, for instance, wondering if higher scores on these measures tend to be more typical of bright high achievers with lower, more even test profiles. Could it be? Perhaps the high processing speed/high memory kids are the "not quite gifted" kids who miss the program cutoff but are very strong in school--conventional high achievers? I knew some kids like this in school and they seem to have gone on to do very well in life...
I don't actually have any test results on DD's processing speed. (She was tested with the RIAS, which I think doesn't really measure it.) But I suspect that it's high. She's very fast with stuff and has few of the issues in school that many gifted kids seem to have. Basically, she speeds through her work, gets it all right, and then draws pictures on the back. (The work's too easy, of course. But too-easy work doesn't seem to preclude these issues in other kids.)
BTW, I don't really know much about all this IQ stuff, in case that's not obvious.

I do find it interesting, though.