We too are having handwriting woes with my youngest frown It seems different this time around. Not sure what worked with DD9 will work with DD6. With my nine year old, I did find MyAccess to be helpful in terms of giving us a structure in which to practice essay writing. I also found a creative writing course over the holidays to be a wonderful way of focusing on story threads and making 'writing' seem much less like a chore and something more akin to painting a picture.

I've just discovered "The Word Spy" and "The Return of the Word Spy" which are really lovely grammar books. They're really quite complimentary with the maths we're doing at the moment ie., palindromes. The books are probably quite suitable for say 6-10 year olds (?)

I've found with DD6 - who isn't sure she wants help just yet - that giving her access to exactly the right type of pen and paper is really important. Some of the dotted line paper is just overwhelming for someone with poor perceptual positioning and she just can't work out where she's supposed to put her letters! So playing around with the basic tools of the trade can really help.

Hope you have some luck with HWT. Would love to get your feedback on this...
