We have used a couple of different things with variable success with our DD (who also loathed, or still does, that is-- handwriting).

Handwriting without Tears is very good, and lots of people like it, but our DD did not.

When she was very young, we used Draw*Write*Now with her, and she seemed more tolerant of the handwriting practice because of the paired drawing exercises.

Eventually, we moved over to Italic Handwriting (the Getty and Dubay series) with her at about sixth grade, when the school's "D'Nealean" just plain didn't stick with her after regular instruction ceased in fifth grade.

Honestly, I think that the handwriting was probably just a victim of asynchronous development in her case.

Her handwriting is finally getting better (she's 11) now that she is needing to take notes in her high school classes. I'm ultimately glad we didn't force the issue too much, but part of that is her personality. The harder we push, the more she pushes BACK, so it would have been a no-win situation in short order if we'd tried.

We just had her do a few minutes a couple times a week when her writing deteriorated to a point of illegibility.

I may have her try working through the Getty and Dubay series again now that she is seeing a need for greater SPEED in note-taking. She's quite pragmatic about things like this, however, so unless she sees the NEED, she's unlikely to comply with any particular intervention. I don't know if that applies to anyone else, but I figured I would mention that just in case.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.