Kriston, I guess you'll know soon enough whether you get DS tested our not!! C-Dog did somewhat the same thing as DS. She said she could not read, but she was really saying she did not want to read. She is quite an actress and even had me convinced. Big bad mommy trying to make the little girl read! smile

In kindergarten, the kids that were reading seemed to get some type of "special attention" in DD's eyes. Her reading then exploded. Of course I didn't know it at the time, but in hindsight, it was clear. She isn't going to do anything she doesn't want to and is smart enought to know simply claiming she can't do it gets her out of it.
I'm not saying that is what's going on with your son. Maybe, maybe not.
I just think if a child can write words, there is a good chance they could read those same words if they wanted to. Unless of course there is some sort of twice exceptionality going on.
Also, we didn't think DD5 was smart as compared to big sister. DD5 is 99.6 vs. DD8 99.9. Yes, there is acually quite a difference between the two. However, DD5 is STILL 99.6. She still has severe needs we need to address educationally. Her needs seemed more downplayed compared to big sister's. But, and a BIG BUTT, We were comparing her to big sister, not her normal group of peers. See what I mean?
