So let me get this straight... If #2 falls anywhere between 3-4 deviations over like #1, academically we're probably good. K seems liked but not so big on 1. I should read Ruf but it will make me nuts. I'm freaking out about early entrance to K and now you have me thinking about future skips and college at 12 (are you trying to kill me?). Pretty schools aren't all they seem, sniff out title 1. We are super lucky because 2 quasi-local districts do have self contained gifted classrooms 2-8th grades. And should be thankful to be attending an all gifted charter school. And clearly based on stories and reactions... this isn't ever going to actually get easy.


Well. Good to know. Rats. #2 and #3 finished in bath with dad which means I'm running out of time.

Uh... I'll address rest in another post - sorry.

Oh, the scope on options is that #1's all gifted charter offers a K program but it is all day. and i think selfishly I'm not ready for all day at 4.5 and I'm not sure she'd want to give up playtime for all day (but she'd have lunch and recess with #1 which would be huge - but less time to bond w/#3). Here's hoping she actually sits for her assessment. If the draw-a-person was actually valid she'd be a 200 :-) Crap. Now everyone is crying upstairs. God love my dh but he has the post bath parenting skills of a tomato.