Just an update. A few nights ago DS and I were talking about his math test and he told me that the teacher said if he missed 3 or less, they would get 4s on their report cards. I said well that doesn't really apply to you because you are in 1st grade and that is for the 2nd grade class. Then he said you know maybe I should go to 3rd grade next year because I really already know all the second grade stuff and what will there be for me to learn? Exactly, I thought but did not say. I just left it at that.

DH still has some sports related concerns, but we have discussed that. I can explain it all logically as to why I think a skip is a good idea, but I also just have it in my gut that a skip is a good step for DS (though not the last step for sure). I don't know if I will feel the same when he is leaving for college a year earlier, but I have a few years to deal with that.