Originally Posted by Deonne
He does not have a concept of failure - which is mostly my husband's doing because they both have the similar anything is possible attitude. My DS plays several sports and some have been initially difficult for him - he just keeps practicing and plugging away and he always ends up doing well.
I just have to say what I wonderful attitude that is! It has taken a lot of work to get my dd12 to that point. She used to just give up whenever she wasn't fabulous at something with the first try. Skipping her helped a lot in terms of that attitude adjustment. Dd10 is still a work in progress in terms of trying to get her to plug away at things that are hard.

Good luck as you continue to get your ds to warm to the idea. From what you describe of your ds' school, it sounds a lot like my dd10's elementary and the afterschool programming and GT pull-outs, while better than at some of our other local schools, weren't enough for my dd12. I did find that, once she hit middle school, it was easier to meet her needs b/c kids move around a lot anyway. I, like you, doubt that it will be easy to meet your ds' needs in the 3rd grade GT class, but having him be on the younger end in the class and getting him there sooner is better than not.