I know this is part of the IAS, but it seems like a very difficult issue to put before a young child, no matter how intellectually advanced they are. My guess is that the first thing that would go through a child's mind would be all the things they would miss about their old class.

My 8yo was asked by her school if she wanted to grade skip a month ago. We hadn't discussed it a home with her before hand because we didn't want to promise her something that the school wouldn't end up delivering and we wanted her to answer the question without feeling like we were putting words in her mouth. Her first response to the guidance counselor was hesitant. Luckily, the principal knows my dd well enough that she showed dd what her new daily schedule would be and they highlighted the recess and lunch times when she would be able to mix with her age peer friends. Actually seeing the schedule, helped my dd get her mind around what exactly she was being offered and all the new opportunities she will have as a 4th grader.

Now, is that she is really looking forward to the skip, ie has insisted on new school supplies, a new first day of school photo, a raise in her allowance, etc. (She thought all that up, I promise no bribes!) Also, She is going to continue to do gym with 3rd grade because it is a better fit for her physically as well as for her math class schedule. She is young for 3rd and not so coordinated, so I think the fact that the 3rd grade gym fits into her new schedule better helps boost her confidence about the whole thing.

Deonne, if your child does skip, what can they look forward to in the new class? Does science meet more often? Do they do something new in music? Is there a kid in the class they really like?

Warning: sleep deprived